Receive Specialized Counselling From Our Team Across BC
We have a blended team of social workers, clinical counsellors, and counsellor candidates ready to work with you. Our large team encompasses a variety of backgrounds, experiences, faiths, and specialties so that you find a counsellor you connect with and so you can receive the care and understanding that you need.
- All
- Abbotsford
- Admin & Management
- Art Therapy
- Athlete & Sports Psychology
- Castlegar
- Child & Youth Counselling
- Clinical Supervision Team
- Couples Counselling
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
- First Nations Counselling
- Hear the Child
- Hormone Readiness
- Internal Family Systems (IFS)
- Kelowna
- Kootenay
- Lower Mainland
- Mediation
- Nelson
- Neurodiversity-Affirming
- Okanagan
- Penticton
- Personal Injury Counselling
- Practicum Counsellors
- Psychological Assessments
- Trail
- Vernon
- West Kelowna
Kelsey Dyck, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Shannon Warner, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Vernon
Paula Pelechaty, MSW, CYW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Megan Borchert, Pre-Licensed CounsellorPre-Licensed Counsellor - Penticton
Dr. Laura Loli-Dano, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - Vernon
Scott Williams, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Sarah Unrau, Pre-Licensed CounsellorPre-Licensed Counsellor - Abbotsford
Jessica Atnikov, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Nelson & Castlegar
Lucas Burton, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Kristie Burkett, CCC, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Sadaf Nazari, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Emily Foster, B.Ed, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna
Andrew Phillipps, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Nelson
Molly Sweeney, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - Nelson & Castlegar
Aman Bhardwaj, RCC, MSW, RSWRegistered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Social Worker - Kelowna & Pentiction
Balroop Klar, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Jenni Radmacher, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Olivia Donaher, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Vernon
Blaine Croy, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna
Christina Petrov, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna
Kelsey Harder, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Penticton
Ammy Kaur, RCC, CCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor & Canadian Certified Cousellor - Kelowna
LA Narayan, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Castlegar & Nelson
Mark Stouffer, MS, CCC, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Online & Penticton
Colleen Purcka, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna
Hallie Webster, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Vernon
Cameron Robertson, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Maria Khan, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Rubina Dhaliwal, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Abbotsford
Maureen Wolfe, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna
Rosamaria Critelli, MEd, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - West Kelowna & Penticton
Christina Postnikoff, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna
Geoff Purdy, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Nelson, Castlegar & Trail
Mary O’Neil, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Danika Heinrichs, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna & Penticton
Tami O’Meara, BA, MEd, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Nelson & Castlegar
Devinder Dhaliwal, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Abbotsford
Valerie Thomas, MCP, RCC, CCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Amrit Sidhu, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Marnie Bland, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Penticton, Nelson & Castlegar
Marcia Mishchenko, B.A, M.C., RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Vernon
Jane Christie, MEd, MLAD, MCouns, MFamStudies, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - West Kelowna
Mirrell Desjardins, CCC, RCCWest Kelowna & Vernon - Not Accepting New Clients
Becky Palmer, BSP, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna
Val Harbour, MC, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Jim Robertson, MCS, CCC, RCCCertified and Registered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna
Glenn Bekar, BSW, MC, RN, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Online Only
Beverly Hutchinson, MACP, CCC, RCCOnline Registered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna, West Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon & Nelson
Shelley Geisinger, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna
Dolores Gooliaff, BSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna
Janice Noseworthy, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna & Vernon
Navneet Hayre, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Abbotsford
Emily Beckett, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Devinder Dhaliwal - Abbotsford
Emma Fletcher, Pre-Licensed CounsellorPre-Licensed Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Angela Knowles, Practicum StudentPracticum Student - West Kelowna
Maya Tekavcic, Practicum StudentPracticum Student - Nelson
Natasha Dalal, Practicum StudentPracticum Student - Abbotsford
Cassandra Twiname, Practicum StudentPracticum Student - Nelson, Castlegar, & Trail
Amy BeedellKootenay Community Support
Senja Lieuwen, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Val Harbour - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Kathryn Whatman, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Jim Robertson - Kelowna
Zoe Reindl-Heit, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Janice Noseworthy - Kelowna
Daniel Snell, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Devinder Dhaliwal - Nelson
Rav Mangat, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Devinder Dhaliwal - Abbotsford
Tami Muhlert, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Mirrell Desjardins - Vernon
Julie WoodsIntake & Administrative Coordinator
Angela RitchieIntake & Administrative Coordinator
Alanna GrantIntake and Administrative Coordinator
Sarah-Ellen HalePenticton & Kootenay Clinic Manager
Nicky DarkoAbbotsford Clinic Manager
Lori BartkowskiIntake & Administrative Coordinator
Nathan HaywardCommunity Relations Manager
Kailey BrennerBilling Supervisor
Jane MarringtonFinance Manager
Chantelle FroatsManaging Director
Nicole Ripley, BA Psyc, MC, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor & Founder/Owner
Reach out to book a consultation with a specific counsellor
Learn more about our counsellors above, or call us to find which counsellors are practicing in specific methodologies you are interested in.