Receive Specialized Counselling From Our Team in West Kelowna
At our West Kelowna location, our diverse team of dedicated professionals, including social workers, clinical counsellors, and candidates, is ready to guide you on your journey. With a range of backgrounds and specialties, you'll find a counsellor who resonates with you, providing personalized care in a supportive environment tailored to your unique needs.
Paula Pelechaty, MSW, CYW, RSWRegistered Social Worker - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Lucas Burton, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Balroop Klar, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Jenni Radmacher, MA, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Colleen Purcka, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna
Rosamaria Critelli, MEd, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - West Kelowna & Penticton
Mary O’Neil, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Danika Heinrichs, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna & Penticton
Jane Christie, MEd, MLAD, MCouns, MFamStudies, CCCCanadian Certified Counsellor - West Kelowna
Mirrell Desjardins, CCC, RCCWest Kelowna & Vernon - Not Accepting New Clients
Becky Palmer, BSP, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - West Kelowna
Val Harbour, MC, RCCRegistered Clinical Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Emma Fletcher, Pre-Licensed CounsellorPre-Licensed Counsellor - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Angela Knowles, Practicum StudentPracticum Student - West Kelowna
Senja Lieuwen, Practicum StudentPracticum Student Under the Mentorship of Val Harbour - Kelowna & West Kelowna
Julie WoodsIntake & Administrative Coordinator
Lori BartkowskiIntake & Administrative Coordinator
Nathan HaywardCommunity Relations Manager
Reach out to book a consultation with a specific counsellor
Learn more about our counsellors above, or call us to find which counsellors are practicing in specific methodologies you are interested in.