Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Treatment Options
October 4, 2022
Disenfranchised Grief
October 14, 2022It’s that time of the year. Days are getting shorter, it’s going to start getting cold out. Halloween is right upon and then it’s the Holiday season. This time of year, can be extremely hard for people including me. The stores are filled with exciting things, and the sound of Christmas music is everywhere to be heard. They are often crowded, hot and we can lose our cool just in traffic during the holidays.
This season can be hard for a lot of reasons, including, the loss of family members either by death a falling out or moving away. It can also be hard for those that struggle financially. There are parties/gatherings, gifts to buy, and other items we don’t normally think about.
So, what can you do to help yourself during this upcoming season?
1. Make a plan of places you need to go, people, you want to see and things you want to get people.
a. If money is tight, think about making something for others as it comes from the heart.
b. Or get them a card and a heartfelt message.
2. Set boundaries and limits. Don’t overcommit yourself, don’t feel bad saying “No”. You don’t have to justify yourself or your actions to anybody else.
3. One of the things that really gets me is the Christmas Music in stores. It can bring up old memories that are sometimes not always comfortable at that time. Stop, take yourself out of the situation if you can and just take a moment for yourself.
a. If you are by yourself, put on some headphones and listen to your own tunes.
4. If you are doing a lot of shopping try doing it in the morning during the early part of the week, (Mondays / Tuesdays). If you are able take a day off work instead of doing it on weekends or evenings.
5. It might be cold out but take your jacket or sweater off when you get into the stores. It’s hot and as you heat up and move around your going to lose patience.
6. Leave the kids at home if you can or with a sitter.
7. Make sure you take care of yourself and the ones that are closest to you.
And finally, if you are feeling like it’s a struggle during this holiday season, reach out and book a counselling session with one of us here at OCCS. We are pretty good at listening.

Written by: Laura Crossley, CCC, MA, BA
To book: Click Here